To start us off, Lev Rivers met up with one of the most respected figures in Baboons and indeed, Rome and Omni-1....Father Chagidiel. One of the main figures of the church of Omni-Tek
21:51: Levrivers: K, Welcome Father Chagidiel to Baboons, first, please tell us a little bit about yourself....

21:53: Chagidiel: Well, I've been around for a while.... I started as a youngster studying Law and public realations, of course these were the things needed in Omnitek in that time.

21:53: Levrivers: I see, and when did you become a "father" and find the church?

21:53: Chagidiel: Well. soon enough they needed an active agent, that knew how to handle situations and the laws at the same time... So I was an active agent for many many years, until i resigned... due to my age, that was...

21:55: Chagidiel: Now, I have started this church to find peace in my life, before this was a life in violence and death

21:55: Levrivers: I see, so your helping people from the same sort of life you yourself was in?

21:56: Chagidiel: Well, in a way, but indeed, there is some need for violence as well....

21:56: Levrivers: And you practice your faith heavily in Baboons, how do you find it here?

21:57: Chagidiel: I am mainly here to give those in doubt a guidance back to the way of righteousness...

21:58: Levrivers: And how do you find the people in Baboons generally?

21:59: Chagidiel: Almost all people here are good humans...and atroxes...and opifexes and so on, indeed. I enjoy meeting all these fellows and talking with them...

21:59: Levrivers: So you come here socially as well as a place of work? :)

22:01: Chagidiel: I don't consider it as a work, to help people in doubt, or disbelief. I consider it a service to humanity. Those people are often in need of some advice, and I am happy to give, and help. Besides, many of those here have become friends, and I enjoy talking to friends as well

22:02: Levrivers: Changing the subject to a more personal note now, and a bit of background on you.... Are you from Rubi-Ka? Or are you an offworlder? (were you born and raised on R-K?)

22:04: Chagidiel: No, indeed, I am a off worlder. I moved here as a part of my resigning, and I have to confess that although there are some drawbacks here, this truly feels like my home.

22:05: Levrivers: So where did you originally come from (if its not too personal)?

22:06: Chagidiel: hhrrmmm... Well, originally, I came from the original world....Humanity's cradle...but that is a long long time back my child, and I hardly think that matters anymore...

22:07: Levrivers: Okay, moving on. How do people take to your religious beliefs in the club and in general? Do some reject it at times?

22:09: Chagidiel: Ohh...I have had some arguments in my days... Its the strangest thing...It seems like people here are more willing to discuss philosophy about those things here, than out in the streets, or the fields. I reckon it has something to do with the laid back attitude here at the baboon...

22:10: Levrivers: ....and the drink....;) lol......for which you are very well know for...I don't mean that rudely, but in fact the bartenders always know you have scotch whiskey..

22:11: Chagidiel: he he...well, as you may know, or may not. There's actually a special import of whiskey to me from off world, due to my long service within the company.  *laughs* Here people relaxe and start to think of what has happened to them out there, and then they may need some one to listen to them. and I serve that purpose

22:11: Levrivers: ...if able, would you hold sermons at a church (since Rome Cathedral seems to be undergoing refurbishment)?

22:12: Chagidiel: My main plan was indeed to have sermons there, once they become available to the public.

22:13: Levrivers: .....and talking of sermons, i believe you have been asked to do the honors at the famous DJ SolarFlares' wedding (to Ravena) this month?

22:14: Chagidiel: Indeed so, and it will be a great honor to wed those two. I always enjoys seeing, and bringing joy to others life...specially if they are Omni loyal

22:15: Levrivers: beginning to round up. How else do you spend your time other than at Baboons?

22:17: Chagidiel: hhrrmm... well, there are some problems for me answering that... But let me assure you that most of my spare time is spent at baboons...

22:17: Levrivers: And finally, how do you find Baboons in general?

22:19: Chagidiel: Its a great place! Here people find the time to reflect on their situation, and to relax. People can find joy and pleasure as well as well formulated thoughts and reflections....It is not many places that offers so much under the same roof. But indeed, its the people here that are making this place so great.

22:19: Levrivers: Father Chagidiel, it's been an honor. Thankyou for taking this time out of your schedule...

22:19: Chagidiel: Well, thank you...