Lev Rivers'

Here are the pictures from the nights activities, hope everyone who came has fond memories and is reminded of the great time we had with these pictures :)

The stage was set. The Dancers and DJ's onstage, Lev ready to host and the place was beginning to fill up

With the crowd turning up, it was time to get busy as the arks also came along to join in the fun

OMG, surely *THE* smallest Atrox ever seen by man...


The party getting started as DJ's Gunloki and Shadowrunr both played excellent sets of music


For one pet, it was all too much..... ;)

Is it a bird, is it a plane...no.....its SUPERARK!


And earlier picture from the start of the party, we had well over 150-200 people turn up thru the duration of the 2-3 hours it went on.
It was a spectacular time as night and day continually passed, but the party went on


(anturan, passed out)
For some, the drink was just TOO strong..... :o)

Yes its true....the gods fly above us

Lev gets down with the groove

Nahadra, above, won the best dancer competition, winning 1million credits
Heksa won the competition for best dressed, taking away 100k
Macarada won best nekkid guy in a thong ;)
And Tappert won the "Best Person Named Ambrosia" award, which annoyed Ambrosia no end ;)

Ark Chieftan Xmetal also came along
Xmetal : "Excuse me Mr.Rivers, but your in breach of the ICC guidelines for festivals..."
Lev : "....i *am*?"
Xmetal : "Yes, you failed to rig any of the competitions so at least *one* ark wins something..."
Lev : "Doh!....um....um....here..., have this beer, you just won the 'sexiest ark' award!!...."
Xmetal (slightly stunned and surprised) : "oh wow! really? ....*me*? *sniff* well, ive never won anything before! I feel so touched!!!"
Lev : "...um...that'll be Grug the Trox behind you....sorry, he's a bit 'touchy feely' at parties..."



wow, the view from the air was spectacular, shame i didnt get one....

A picture from earlier in the night, Gunloki takes to the stage for his set while the stage begins to get crowded

The end of the party draws near

Heksa (the small opifex bottom right) won best dressed and the party was set to continue into its 3rd Rubika Day

Lev took to the stage once more, to say goodbye, but even after his departure, the party carried on for another good hour or so.
The Party Spirit was in Borealis that night, and wasnt about to let go. :o)

Thankyou once again to everyone that turned up and made it such a memorable evening, all the jokes, the fun, the dancing and funny costumes
all contributed and made it a fun night. Everyone made it the great party it was.
Hope you enjoyed it as much as we all did.